(With permission from Ben Giselbach, we have copied a majority of this policy from his blog Plain Simple Faith. Please follow it here.)
Our wish is that Perspectives of a Bondservant will stimulate a dialogue centered around New Testament Christianity. For that reason, comments – both positive and negative – are encouraged. However, we need to set some ground rules, otherwise some conversations might turn into ‘shouting matches’ and disenchant other readers and commenters.
Note: comments are closed on any particular blog post after 2 months. This helps me keep the riffraff out.
By commenting on our blog, you are agreeing to our comments policy:
1. Be a gentleman/gentlewoman. If you disagree with something we or someone else said, disagree without being disagreeable. Call us old fashioned, but we really do expect you to be polite.
2. Don’t be snarky. Please avoid being rude or employing non-friendly sarcasm. If your tone is downright ugly, it won’t be approved (unless your comment makes you look silly or nullifies your point, then we may go ahead and approve it).
3. Don’t be dirty. Vulgarity, even a hint, won’t stand a chance of being approved.
4. Stay on topic. If it isn’t relevant, it won’t be posted.
5. Keep it under 250 words As a general rule, comments should be shorter than the article itself. If your comment is over 250 words, we will use our discretion on whether or not it will be published.
6. You assume responsibility for your words. We am not liable for any negative ramifications or emotional harm you may cause.
7. By commenting, you grant us license to use, store, print, repost, distribute, or reproduce whatever you post. We may use what you say in – but not limited to – a book, a magazine article, a blog post, or a sermon presentation. Don’t say anything you don’t want the world to see.
8. Don’t spam us. If you’re a bot, you’re going straight to our ‘spam’ folder.
9. Don’t be a salesman. Comments are for conversation, not advertising your site or product.
10. Don’t hijack the comments. In other words, if your 1-2 follow-up comments become a 3+ comment dialogue, a more appropriate venue will be an E-mail correspondence (or we will just stop approving your comments).
11. Due to our busy schedule, and because each comment must be moderated, there may be some delay before your comment is approved. Just hang tight.
12. We reserve the right to have the last word.
13. This is our blog. At the end of the day, we reserve the right to moderate the conversation. If we don’t want to approve your comment, we don’t have to.