When I was a kid, I was like every other kid I knew. I spent most of my time running, hanging out with friends, riding bikes, and playing ball. I had several really close friends, and we loved to go to church events together. Nearly every friend I had was part of the Church, and it was great to be able to be so close to so many good Christian people. On top of having great friends, I had a wonderful support system all around me. My family supported me in everything that I did, and they tried to make sure that God was the number one thing in all our lives. To say it simply, I was blessed. Compared to the circumstances that so many people have to go through in life, my life was carefree. Looking back on my life, I was so naïve when I was young, and I just did not realize how blessed I was.
While I can look back on my life and truly appreciate the blessings now, back then I really struggled. I went through periods of low self-esteem, and my confidence continually wavered. My self-image was based on how I saw myself and how I thought other people saw me. The problem was I did not see myself with clear eyes. I focused entirely on perceived flaws and made the assumption that others saw only those same flaws in me. I sought happiness in other people and my obsession became being accepted. I thought that I could make other people like me through gifts, compliments, and by giving in to their every wish. My happiness became contingent upon validation from other people. I was lost.
Confidence and self-esteem issues are very prevalent in our world today. Many people struggle with a lack of confidence and really low self-esteem. Others struggle with over-confidence and pride. Our issues with confidence and self-esteem affect both our physical and spiritual lives. These issues come from a lack of understanding of God and a lack of understanding of mankind as His creation. We have been made in the image of God, and we are His very good creation (Genesis 1:27-31). Our God made us
As we look into the Word of God, we see a loving God that has provided His creation a way back from sin and into His marvelous light. For those outside of Christ, there is a