In washing the feet of the disciples, Jesus gave us a powerful example. This isn’t the idea that we should literally go around washing each other’s feet, but rather that even the most humble of tasks are not beneath our station in life because they were not beneath our Lord.
When we learn to set aside our pride and our concern for what we want, and our own worries, and look outward a change takes place. When we begin looking at others, searching for opportunities to serve and bless them the world looks different.
Jesus says that when we understand this truth, and when we put it into practice that it will bring blessings into our own lives. Another way to translate “blessed” in John 13:17 is “happy.”
When we stop focusing on our own troubles and focus on how we can serve and help others, Jesus says that we will find happiness. This life of service is what we are called to as Christians. It is what we were made to do.