- Tip #1 – Read the text. It is vital to first open your Bible. One cannot begin the study without knowing what it is he wants to study. You can reference Roy Deaver’s How To Study the Bible. Or, you could choose a specific topic, book, or section of scripture.
- Tip #2 – Compare different versions. This is a part of studying that should be taken very carefully. Since the original was translated, man has tried to make the “Bible for Dummies.” There are some versions of the Bible that have great merit. There are several that must not be given the time of day. Brethren, the fact of the matter is that no version is perfect. However, the question one must ask when studying is: what version will come the closest to mirroring what the original was saying. It is my opinion that the following versions would be good to compare to the KJV: American Standard Version, New King James Version, and the English Standard Version.
- Tip #3 – Grab some trustworthy commentaries. This too can be dangerous ground to tread upon. There are many commentaries written by men who, while they meant well, did not understand the text that they were writing about. There have been countless lectureships conducted by the Lord’s Church. These congregations have covered great portions of every book of the Bible. One must understand that like eating a fish, there may be some bones that need to be spit out with everything that is read.
- Tip #4 – If possible gain access to a Bible Software program. Speaking of Bible software, it needs to be stated that not all of the programs out there are free. Some cost a “King’s ransom.” However, in my preaching and teaching, I have found it to be money well spent. Logos, Accordance and E-Sword are such tools that provide much value to a Bible student. These software programs even help with what the original languages said, which is crucial to our understanding.
- Tip #5 – Consider the context. Much damage has been done by people not considering the context of the passage they are studying. The danger of preaching or teaching is a person who takes the Bible out of context. This can cover all areas of preaching: Topical, Textual, Expository. The idea that one can treat the Bible like a Swiss army knife has value, but it also has dangers. Some verses do not mean what they appear to mean when considering the context; Philippians 4:13 is a great example. This is not a mindset of “I will accomplish anything no matter what, because Christ is with me.” Instead, it is a mindset of there not being a circumstance that can come my way that I cannot overcome by following Christ.
- Tip #6 – Do some internet research. Use great caution. Anyone can post an article on the internet. All of the sites need to be examined in the light of scripture.
- Tip #7 – Re-read the text. Go back and see if you missed anything. It is possible that you will catch something you did not see before.
- Tip #8 – Underline/Highlight Key portions. See if the same words pop up more than once. Give them a mark that will help them stick out.
- Tip #9 – Be willing to be corrected. There might be a time that you sit down to study something and realize that you are wrong. Nehemiah 8 is a great example of this. Be willing to change that mindset and accept what the scriptures truly teach.
- Tip #10 – Study often.
Just A Thought.