Steadfast – Part 2: Steadfast in Prayer
Sometimes we as Christians forget the significance of prayer.
Sometimes we as Christians forget the significance of prayer.
What are some things that you might think of that are steadfast?
I would rather live in a ditch on the side of the road and serve God than live in a mansion in sin.
If Jesus, the Son of the Living God, could wash the stinky feet of a man that was about to betray Him, then what can I do?
We may not convert thousands by telling others about God’s word, but if we take one person with us to heaven that would be worth whatever effort we make.
What is the gospel? We often hear this word today, but many don’t really know what it means.
If you follow the script and listen to the directors, you will usually have a good show.
If you are ashamed of what you believe in, do you really believe it?
Everyone reading this article knows their physical age, but have you ever given thought to your spiritual age?