Lost & Alone
Regardless of the behavior of a parent or spouse, we have God-given obligations toward our family.
Regardless of the behavior of a parent or spouse, we have God-given obligations toward our family.
A child once asked me, “So, when are you going to start working for a living?”
How much did she understand about Him, His importance to humanity, and His earthly life?
Those who have been adopted want to be connected with people who have the same appearance or mannerisms.
We are told that if we aren’t adding our “flavor” to those around us, we are “good for nothing!”
We all have times when we get distracted by things of lesser importance than time with the Lord.
When you speak to your spouse and children, remember that your words can hold the power of life and death.
Would we be worth bringing back from the dead?
When are we going to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough? When will we say, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Who do you want to thank for sharing the gospel with you?