Tag: Church
A Lesson in Loneliness
God promised I would never be alone. Those promises weren’t given to Jesus.
Why Church Discipline Doesn’t Work
Every once in a while you will get an honest person tell you why most Christians today don’t even go down the road of church discipline: “It doesn’t work.”
Purchase Price of the Church
What will you do when you realize what was done because Jesus loves you?
Slightly Religious
Jesus taught that we must be more than slightly religious.
Why Do We Attend Worship?
As I have grown in my faith, I have grown to love, want, and need to be in worship.
World Down Syndrome Day
We believe all people have been created in God’s image and have intrinsic value as God’s creation. It is no accident that some of us are born with three 21st chromosomes.
We Have Strengths…and Weaknesses
We have strengths, we have weaknesses, and God intended for it to be that way.
She Being Dead Still Speaks
Who do you want to thank for sharing the gospel with you?
When My Heart is Overwhelmed
There were times when I would wake up in the morning wondering if it was all a bad dream, only to soon realize that this was my reality.