Category: Family
Why Church Discipline Doesn’t Work
Every once in a while you will get an honest person tell you why most Christians today don’t even go down the road of church discipline: “It doesn’t work.”
Don’t Widen the Plate
Good advice for baseball players, great advice for Christians!
Faith and Family
The world we live in is constantly attacking our faith and the family unit as a whole, and we as Christians must do whatever we can to combat those attacks.
Running Aimlessly
In my mind, when you ran aimlessly, that means you were just flailing around like a newborn giraffe trying to run, like someone who lacked any kind of coordination. However, I don’t think that’s what Paul meant at all.
We Have Strengths…and Weaknesses
We have strengths, we have weaknesses, and God intended for it to be that way.
When You Are Misunderstood
May we always remember that our speech is not inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit, so there is a possibility for innocent misunderstandings.
Just Watching the Highlights
Do you see the best, or do you see reality?
The Way They Should Go
We cannot expect children to walk with the Lord if dad and mom refuse to walk with Him.